The time frame

3 months

The work

Tiwi Islands Regional Council, CRM for TIRC Night Patrol, Community Patrols

The client

The Tiwi Islands Regional Council (TIRC) serves as the governing body for the Tiwi Islands, encompassing Bathurst and Melville, along with the communities of Wurrumiyanga, Wurankuwu, Milikapiti (Snake Bay), and Pirlangimpi (Garden Point). Additionally, it oversees several smaller outstations across both islands. Covering a vast area of 7,483 square kilometres, TIRC strives to enhance the well-being of its communities, with a focus on providing a brighter future for the children. To achieve this, TIRC actively seeks input and suggestions from community members and stakeholders, implementing initiatives to drive improvements and foster stronger relationships. Moreover, TIRC collaborates closely with the Northern Territory and Commonwealth governments to deliver high-quality community engagement, financial services, and infrastructure development across the Tiwi Islands.

The problem

TIRC, as part of its responsibility for youth diversion and community safety services, has implemented night patrols across the region.

However, the manual reporting system used by the staff posed several challenges. The reliance on pen and paper resulted in delays in delivering crucial information to the relevant stakeholders, hindering prompt action and effective reporting. Additionally, the absence of real-time information sharing among patrol members and the vulnerability of paper records during the rainy months posed risks of loss, damage, or destruction. TIRC staff estimated that they spent approximately two weeks each month on manual night patrol reporting, often sacrificing their personal time. This administrative burden limited their availability in the community, as they were tied up with paperwork rather than fulfilling their field duties.

The heavy administrative workload also contributed to difficulties in retaining local staff, as they felt overwhelmed by the inability to fulfill all aspects of their roles. The departure of patrol team members resulted in reporting gaps, making it challenging to meet the requirements of funding bodies and stakeholders. Furthermore, the loss of patrol members hindered TIRC's ability to fulfill its community commitments in youth diversion and community safety initiatives.

The solution

HutSix collaborated with the Tiwi Islands Regional Council (TIRC) to develop an innovative system that automates on-the-ground reporting for night patrol members across the Tiwi Islands. This mobile app, built on the Angular framework, offers offline functionality to overcome the infrastructure limitations on Bathurst (Wurdeja) and Melville (Yermalner) Islands, home to the Wurrumiyanga (Nguiu), Wurankuwu (Bidgee), Milikapiti (Snake Bay), and Pirlangimpi (Garden Point) communities. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AWS for storage and Docker for containerisation, the app ensures secure data management and seamless deployment.

The offline-compatible app empowers night patrol members to capture critical information regardless of their network availability, automatically syncing data once they regain connectivity. This real-time data sharing capability enables stakeholders, including Truancy Officers, to access up-to-date information without delays. Gone are the days of waiting for physical photocopies of nightly reports, as the app provides instant access to comprehensive data.

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the app accommodates individuals with varying literacy and e-literacy levels, ensuring easy and efficient reporting. HutSix remains committed to ongoing support and guidance, striving to enhance app functionalities and optimise organisational efficiencies. Remote training sessions are currently provided, with plans for an in-person visit to the Tiwi Islands when biosecurity measures allow. Through this collaboration, HutSix and TIRC are revolutionising the night patrol reporting process, empowering the Tiwi Islands community to prioritise youth diversion and community safety effectively.

The results

The app was successfully launched and integrated into the night patrol operations in December 2021, bringing positive changes to the Tiwi Islands community. TIRC staff and stakeholders are confident that this purpose-built app will have significant impacts, supporting their commitment to delivering effective services and fostering cultural connections.

With the app in place, TIRC is making steady progress towards achieving its strategic goals and objectives. This includes initiatives like employee development and retention, prioritizing the recruitment of local talent from Bathurst and Melville Islands, and providing culturally appropriate council services to Wurrumiyanga, Wurankuwu, Milikapiti (Snake Bay), Pirlangimpi (Garden Point), and other Tiwi outstations.

Furthermore, the app enables TIRC to uphold best practices in compliance and governance, ensuring transparent reporting and efficient record-keeping. This enhances accountability to funding bodies and facilitates effective communication with stakeholders, including the Tiwi Land Council and Tiwi College. Through this collaborative effort, TIRC is driving positive change, supporting the cultural richness of the Tiwi Islands, and fostering a vibrant and resilient community for future generations.

In conclusion, the implementation of the purpose-built app by the Tiwi Islands Regional Council (TIRC) has revolutionised their night patrol operations, enabling efficient monitoring, reporting, and response across the Tiwi Islands. This innovative solution, developed in collaboration with HutSix, embraces technology while respecting the unique cultural diversity of the Tiwi community. It empowers TIRC to enhance community safety, promote effective communication, and allocate resources more efficiently. The ongoing collaboration between TIRC and HutSix ensures that the app continues to evolve and meet the evolving needs of the Tiwi Islands community, driving progress and development in the region. By leveraging technology, TIRC is advancing its commitment to creating a safer and more prosperous future for the Tiwi people, reinforcing cultural preservation and promoting sustainable growth.

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